Course Description: Collaborate on current 1-4 Family “outs” trending in the marketplace, Discover which paragraphs are the greatest challenges and why, Dive deeper into three paragraphs and how to properly complete each available field: Paragraph 5. Earnest Money and Termination Option, Paragraph 21. Notices, and Paragraph 22. Agreement of Parties

           Course: #45152  |  Provider: #461  |  Price: $10.00  |  CONTRACT CE Credit Hours: 1

*Recorded Class Available 

CONTRACT CE INFO: "As of February 1, 2021 sales agents and brokers are required to complete at least three hours in contract-related coursework as part of the 18 hours of continuing education (CE) required to renew a license or activate a license."
Source: TREC Article 02-05-2021 by: TREC Staff   

Course Description: An overview of each section in Paragraph 2. Property: Land, Improvements, Accessories, Exclusions, Reservations. What conveys, what does not convey, and what is leased. An overview of each paragraph of the Fixture Lease Addendum. What can be leased and how to present the correct information to a seller

         Course: #45151  |  Provider: #461  |  Price: $10.00  |  CONTRACT CE Credit Hours: 1

*Recorded Class Available 

CONTRACT CE INFO: "As of February 1, 2021 sales agents and brokers are required to complete at least three hours in contract-related coursework as part of the 18 hours of continuing education (CE) required to renew a license or activate a license."
Source: TREC Article 02-05-2021 by: TREC Staff   

Course Description: This course goes over the purpose and options of each paragraph in the Third-Party Financing Addendum, The Pros and cons of the Back-Up Addendum, How to properly complete each available form option, and Common mistakes and best practices.

         Course: #45153  |  Provider: #461  |  Price: $10.00  |   CONTRACT CE Credit Hours: 1

*Recorded Class Available 

CONTRACT CE INFO: "As of February 1, 2021 sales agents and brokers are required to complete at least three hours in contract-related coursework as part of the 18 hours of continuing education (CE) required to renew a license or activate a license."
Source: TREC Article 02-05-2021 by: TREC Staff   

Course Description: This course will be focused on highlighting an agent's value strategies when working with a buyer client in a real estate transaction. Agents will learn to: Establish competency and trust to ensure buyers confidently commit to you representing them as their real estate agent. Leveraging the buyer client fiduciary relationship dynamics to better serve your clients.

         Course: #48437  |  Provider: #461  |  Price: $10.00  |   Credit Hours: 1


Course Description: This course will be focused on highlighting an agent's value strategies when working with a seller client in a real estate transaction. Agents will learn to: Establish competency and trust to ensure sellers confidently commit to you representing them as their real estate agent. Leverage the seller client fiduciary relationship dynamics to better serve your clients. Best practices to develop and communicate a detailed plan of action to reach the seller's goals of selling their property.

         Course: #48436  |  Provider: #461  |  Price: $10.00  |   Credit Hours: 1


Check out our Class Calendar for upcoming classes on the schedule and to register.