Course Description: Collaborate on current 1-4 Family “outs” trending in the marketplace, Discover which paragraphs are the greatest challenges and why, Dive deeper into three paragraphs and how to properly complete each available field: Paragraph 5. Earnest Money and Termination Option, Paragraph 21. Notices, and Paragraph 22. Agreement of Parties
Course: #45152 | Provider: #461 | Price: $10.00 | CONTRACT CE Credit Hours: 1
*Recorded Class Available
CONTRACT CE INFO: "As of February 1, 2021 sales agents and brokers are required to complete at least three hours in contract-related coursework as part of the 18 hours of continuing education (CE) required to renew a license or activate a license."
Source: TREC Article 02-05-2021 by: TREC Staff